ID#: 969 Sep 29 : Washington, D.C : An Evening with Baroness Uddin

An Evening with Baroness Uddin: Women, Islam, and the Public Sphere
The event has ended!
Ibrahim El Hibri Building, 1420 16th St. NW., Washington, D.C, DC
Thursday, September 29, 2016, 6:30PM To 8:30PM
09/22/2016 10:08 AM


Join KARAMAH's International Research Division as we welcome Baroness Manzila Uddin to Washington, DC. Baroness Uddin is one of the leading women pioneers of East London. She has been an advocate of women's rights since her early teens, leading the movements for social justice and human rights with a focus for the empowerment of women. Baroness Uddin has been responsible for leading and developing numerous women-led projects of national significance including founding Britain's first women's education and training centre. In recognition for her contribution to the community and championing women's rights, she was appointed by Her Majesty the Queen, as the first Muslim to take her seat in the House of Lords, UK Parliament in 1998.

You will not want to miss an opportunity to meet this amazing leader and visionary in our global community. 


Thursday September 29, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Ibrahim El Hibri Building 1420 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036

RSVP:  Research Associate, Hind Essayegh:

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Please confirm venue's accuracy by contacting the organizers.


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